Welcome to the Gardner Museum

Museum News & Information


We invite you to explore our Spring Exhibit  "The Gardner Fire Department through the years" a display of photos and items pertaining to the Gardner Fire Department through the years, with an emphasis on the 1940’s through the 1960’s. Never before exhibited images from the collection of Richard Ares are complemented by items from our own collection. The exhibit will run until May 25 during regular museum hours.—but don’t stop there! 

Many of our displays across all three floors have been updated, offering fresh insights into Gardner’s rich history. Be sure to check out the Resource Room, featuring newly updated materials; the revamped Military Corner on the 2nd floor, honoring all the men and women of Gardner who have served in every war and conflict; a stunning Portrait on the 2nd floor: a powerful artwork (on loan) that brings to life the Native American presence in Gardner—capturing the strength, resilience, and spirit of the land’s first inhabitants.; and much more. Stop in!

Far from Gardner? Enjoy a Gardner Museum Tour 

Enjoy this special video tour of our Museum. Gardner history is waiting for you. Stroll through exhibits, relive cherished memories, and discover treasures that tell the story of our city. 

The Museum is a treasure trove of Gardner history.

Gardner Museum Shares the Chair
Watch the High Definition Video showcases just a small part of the historical collections offered by the Gardner Museum. 

Our Second Annual Museum Craft Fair  turned out to be a fantastic day!  Watch a slideshow of photos

Phone Number:

(978) 632-3277

Email Address:




Find us on Facebook

Mail address:

The Gardner Museum

28 Pearl St 

Gardner, MA 01440

If you need to contact the museum during January or February for any reason, please leave a message on the answering machine at 978-632-3277.

March to December

Wednesday to Sunday

1 PM to 4 PM

Adult non-members $3.00

 Children and Members are Free

The Gardner Museum is a local history museum located in the heart of Central Massachusetts. Our mission is collecting and preserving materials pertaining to the rich history of Gardner, MA, also known as the "chair city of the world" and "Furniture Capital of New England". 

Find us on Facebook and YouTube


We are always looking for Volunteers to help us

Please help us continue our work preserving Gardner's history by joining our group of dedicated volunteers.

Please indicate your interest in an email to us and someone will contact you.

We are open during regular Museum hours,

Come in to Browse through the Fabulous Gift items

There's a little something for everyone !

Click to view the Gardner Museum Gift Shop Items On Sale Now! 

Enjoy full member benefits when you support the museum through membership.

Benefits include admission to the museum during hours of operation and attendance at programs and lectures with no cost or at a reduced rate. 

Rent the Museum for your next Event!

Located in the historic heart of Gardner, our museum provides a beautiful backdrop to make your event perfectly remarkable.

For details about museum rental please contact the museum during regular museum opening hours

Museum Calendar
reservation required for all events (email preferred). 

Throughout the year the Gardner Museum hosts various events from guest speakers to experts on local history. It is our goal to make sure that our events are accessible, substantive, and rich in content. We hope you'll enjoy what programming the museum has to offer. 

Download the Event  Flyer
All programs are scheduled to be in-person. We urge all visitors to check our website and Facebook page for possible cancellations or postponements.

The Gardner Museum is located in Gardner, MA.

 50 miles northwest of Boston and just two miles off Exit 87 on Route 2 West.